The teenage years can be really difficult. Although there will be good and great days, some days will be dreadful and truly awful. You are having to navigate changes in your relationships with family and friends, whilst simultaneously developing your identity and independence. New pressures can begin with higher expectations at school and work. Your brain is developing and your hormones are changing resulting in different ways of thinking, responding, and feeling.
People usually come to see me when they are feeling anxious, lonely, stressed, sad, and/or angry. They might be concerned about how they look, be having trouble in their relationships, or might have had something big happen in their lives. It can be helpful to have the space to speak to someone who is impartial, and who has strategies that have been proven to help with what you have been going through. Together we will work towards developing strategies that will be helpful for you with what is going on both now and what might happen in the future.